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useMsg is a custom hook that returns a function for querying and executing msgโ€™s on smart contracts


import useMsg from 'hooks/useMsg';



Return Value

Name Description
executeMsg Function to execute messages on a smart contract
queryMsg Function to run query messages on a smart contract



To use executeMsg you grab it from the imported hook

const { executeMsg } = useMsg();

The executeMsg function takes 3 parameters

Parameter Description
contractAddress Smart contract address that you would like to execute your message on
msgExecute Message to send to smart contract
amount Optional Amount to send with your message

In practice this will return either a txHash if it is successful, which gets stored in a recoil atom. But, If there is an error we display a toast that will catch the error and display a red toast message

Generally this will be used within an eventHandler.

For example in our handleClickFinalizeProposal function we pass in the contract address for the forge contract, and the message we want to execute (in this case {finalize_proposal:{idx:index}} is the message we are executing on the forge contract). This is finished with a successful toast message if the executeMsg worked.

  const handleClickFinalizeProposal = async (index: any) => {
    if (connectedWallet) {
      const tx = await executeMsg(FORGE_TEST, {
        finalize_proposal: { idx: index }
      toastSuccessful(tx, SUCCESS_FINALIZED);


To use queryMsg you grab it from the imported hook

const { queryMsg } = useMsg();

The queryMsg function takes 2 parameters

Parameter Description
contractAddress Smart contract address that you would like to query
msgQuery The query message to send to the smart contract

This is currently returning either the response from the query or it will display an error in the dev tools console.

As an example. To get a list of all proposals in the forge contract we can call queryMsg with the forge contract as the contract address parameter, and our queryAllProposalContracts message as the msgQuery. That function to get all proposals would looks like this:

  const getAllProposalContracts = async () => {
    const response = await queryMsg(FORGE_TEST, queryAllProposalContracts());
    return response;

Where FORGE_TEST is our forge smart contract, and queryAllProposalContracts is a msg accepted by the smart contract that looks like this {all_proposals:{}}