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๐Ÿฆ Vault Proposal

What are Vaults?

In the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a vault is a fund management tool that allows investors to access investment strategies designed to benefit all users who have deposited assets in the vault. These strategies can range from simple, low-risk options like staking a single asset (e.g. depositing $DAI to earn more $DAI) to more complex, higher-risk options involving multiple farms and protocols. By using a vault, investors can minimize transaction fees and potentially increase their returns through the automatic compounding of rewards.

YFD Vaults

Y-Foundry Vaults

Y-Foundry enables individuals within the community to propose their vault strategy to be built through the platform. Each Y-Foundry vault has its own unique functions, including options for depositing, withdrawing, and disbursing fees, as well as an emergency stop feature for added security. Once launched, users can find and participate in vaults through the Y-Foundry marketplace, which features a variety of approved and launched projects.

Vault Proposal Process

Vault's Life Cycle

๐Ÿ’ก Vault Ideation & Proposal Creation

A proposer with a promising project idea seeks out the Y-Foundry DAO community to build a solid proposal and find talent to help execute it.

โœ๏ธ Proposal Process

A proposer submits the details of the proposal officially through the Y-Foundry platform to get community support and funding.

๐Ÿ’ป Development Process

Once a project has been fully funded, development begins. Builders complete development milestones to unlock additional payments to build the project idea.

๐Ÿ“ก Deployment Process

When development has been finalized, the contract is uploaded to the blockchain and instantiated by the DAO to be hosted on Y-Foundry.

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ NFT Generation for Proposer, Supporters, & YFD Treasury

Novel NFTs are minted representing the contributions of those that fund the project. Each NFT gives the holder the right to claim any benefits allocated to supporters of the vault and provides potential governance rights.

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