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🏗️Vault Creation & Funding


These details are supplied by the strategist when submitting a vault proposal to governance for approval.

A successful submission of the Vault Creation proposal instantiates a unique instance of the Vault Proposal Contract.

Actions of the Proposal

  1. Voting

  2. Funding

  3. Deployment Proposal / Approval

Technical Details

  • Vault Name The name with which the created vault will be referred to.
  • Text string 40 characters or less, including letters, numbers, symbols and special characters: e.g. Hedge+
  • Vault Ticker Short abbreviation / ticker for the Vault - like an exchange ticker Must be unique value among all vault - active and in process
  • Strategy Proposal URL Text field linking to IPFS or URL to proposal pdf
  • Strategy TVL Minimum ( in USD ) TVL Minimum must be greater or equal to Vault Proposal TVL Minimum Limit / requirement modifiable by a governance vote
  • Developer’s Payment Wallet Address Payment address of the developer. Must match an entry in Whitelist Entry type must be Developer
  • Developer Funding Requirement The amount of funds to develop the vault based on sprints needed and statement of work from the associated developer. An integer representing USD value in stablecoin, greater than the minimum value and less than the maximum : e.g. $80,000. Initial Minimum value: $5,000. Can be changed by Vault Proposal Developer Funding Minimum.governance parameter. Initial Maximum value: $1,000,000. Can be changed by Vault Proposal Developer Funding Maximum.governance parameter.
  • Developer Proposal URL Text field linking to IPFS or URL to Statement of Work / Sprint Details
  • Developer Initial Up-Front Payment (optional) Default is $0 Maximum is limited to the Proposer’s portion of funding
  • Developer Payment Distribution Schedule How many payments to be made
  • Developer Payment Frequency How frequently payments are to be made Represented in Blocks
  • Github for Vault Contracts Must be live before proposal, human check only Repo resides in Y-Foundry DAO github account
  • Strategist / Proposal Contribution Minimum: 5% of total Development Funding Requested Proposer can fund up to 100% of Developer Funding Requirements 100% funding = Self-funded and no booster funds are requested / permitted


To self-fund, the strategist must possess sufficient fYFD to meet the fYFD proposal funding requirements

Immutable Values to Store:

ALL governance parameters referenced by the proposal must be captured and stored in the contract at the time of instantiation

  • Current market $YFD price
  • Current multiplier for $YFD to fYFD
  • Amount of blocks remaining to unlock block for the proposer’s YFD
  • Current Ratio for fYFD to YFD stablecoin funding
  • Use current parameter value defined by YFD governance In Forge Contract?
  • Proposer Wallet Address
  • Stored from connected wallet of Proposer / submission
  • Must have entry in Strategist developer list
  • Create on submission would be acceptable - or separate function/process
  • Vault Proposal Funding Distribution Voting Period Length
  • Vault Proposal Funding Distribution Voting Quorum